Are you a know it all, up-to-date with all the spheres of life , from past to present then this event is for you. So come and show that the information is the real wealth.

Rules & Regulations

General Rules:

  • A Quiz Team will consist of 3 members
  • This event is divided into 4 rounds: Elimination Round, Preliminary Round, Mains Round & Rapid Fire Round.
  • Top 8 teams will proceed in preliminary round from elimination round.
  • Top 6 teams which will qualify the preliminary level will move to mains level.
  • The mains round will be an amalgamation of multiple stages based on various categories such as art and culture, cinema, sports, economics and current affairs etc.
  • More details of each round will be provided on the spot.
  • Rules may get modulated under certain circumstances by the authorities.
  • The judges' decision will be final and binding.
  • Any kind of misbehavior will not be entertained and will lead to immediate disqualification from the event.
  • Final result will be provided on the basis of Preliminary Round, Mains Round & Rapid Fire Round.


Gaurav Mangal
95091 61205
Yash Joshi
97995 41708